Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Cripples At Christmas Cartoons 2024

Image description below each image

The Adapted Hot Wheels Collection Blew Santa’s Toy Budget…   ID: A stick figure Santa stands beside a cartoon accessible van. Santa’s speech bubble says “$70,000 for one?! I’ll be eating Ramen all year!”

1.   The Adapted Hot Wheels Collection Blew Santa’s Toy Budget…


ID: A stick figure Santa stands beside a cartoon accessible van. Santa’s speech bubble says “$70,000 for one?! I’ll be eating Ramen all year!”

2.	The Wheelie Elves Were Forced to Drink Cold Cocoa Because SNAP (Food Stamps) Doesn’t Cover Hot Items…  ID: Two stick figure wheelchair users with elf hats toasting cups with straws. One figure has a speech bubble says “Cheers! One day this cold cocoa will be $7.50 at a hipster café.

2.   The Wheelie Elves Were Forced to Drink Cold Cocoa Because SNAP (Food Stamps) Doesn’t Cover Hot Items…


ID: Two stick figure wheelchair users with elf hats toasting cups with straws. One figure has a speech bubble says “Cheers! One day this cold cocoa will be $7.50 at a hipster café. 


The Wheelchair Barbie’s SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Amount Was Cut Because She Doesn’t Pay Rent…   ID: There are two wheelchair user stick figures. One says, “No shit we don’t pay rent. The dream house came free in our box!” Santa replies, “Don’t look at me. All the Barbies are packaged with a house.”

3.   The Wheelchair Barbie’s SSI (Supplemental Security Income) Amount Was Cut Because She Doesn’t Pay Rent…


ID: There are two wheelchair user stick figures. One says, “No shit we don’t pay rent. The dream house came free in our box!” Santa replies, “Don’t look at me. All the Barbies are packaged with a house.”


To Honor the Queen of Christmas, the Disabled Elves Named Their New SureHands Lift “Mariah Carry”   ID: Two wheelchair users wearing elf hats are seated below a hoist lift on an overhead track. A third is in the hoist lift above them. One of the elves says, “Get it? Because it carries us!”

4.   To Honor the Queen of Christmas, the Disabled Elves Named Their New SureHands Lift “Mariah Carry”


ID: Two wheelchair users wearing elf hats are seated below a hoist lift on an overhead track. A third is in the hoist lift above them. One of the elves says, “Get it? Because it carries us!”


The Disabled Elves Filed an HR Complaint After Being Asked to Assemble the Chutes and Ladders Games at the North Pole…   ID: One wheelchair user elf says to the other, “I can’t climb a ladder! Or slide down a chute! This is a microaggression!” The other replies, “Can’t we make a game called Ramps and Elevators?”
5.    The Disabled Elves Filed an HR Complaint After Being Asked to Assemble the Chutes and Ladders Games at the North Pole…


ID: One wheelchair user elf says to the other, “I can’t climb a ladder! Or slide down a chute! This is a microaggression!” The other replies, “Can’t we make a game called Ramps and Elevators?”


Santa Couldn’t Figure Out Why More Kids Weren’t Asking for Disability Inclusive Monopoly Games…   ID: Santa stands beside a “Monopoly: Disability Edition” game box. The box reads, “Features a Single Accessible Property, $1 Bills Only, and 24/7 SSA (Social Security Administration) Surveillance”

6.   Santa Couldn’t Figure Out Why More Kids Weren’t Asking for Disability Inclusive Monopoly Games…


ID: Santa stands beside a “Monopoly: Disability Edition” game box. The box reads, “Features a Single Accessible Property, $1 Bills Only, and 24/7 SSA (Social Security Administration) Surveillance”


The Seven Disabled Swans Were Not A-Swimming Because the Sole Adaptive Swim School Had a Five-Year Waitlist   ID: Seven swans with slightly askew eyes are lined up. One says, “Well, this is awkward. Should we go out to lunch instead? It would kind of screw up our lyrics.”

7.   The Seven Disabled Swans Were Not A-Swimming Because the Sole Adaptive Swim School Had a Five-Year Waitlist


ID: Seven swans with slightly askew eyes are lined up. One says, “Well, this is awkward. Should we go out to lunch instead? It would kind of screw up our lyrics.”


The Eight Maids A-Milking Got Very Busy as DXA Scan Day Approached for the Elves with CP…   ID: A stick figure wheelchair user with an elf hat says, “Can we hire eight more of them? We’re gonna need a lot of milk to save these bones.” A cow replies, “They can only demand so much milk, dude.”

   The Eight Maids A-Milking Got Very Busy as DXA Scan Day Approached for the Elves with CP…


ID: A stick figure wheelchair user with an elf hat says, “Can we hire eight more of them? We’re gonna need a lot of milk to save these bones.” A cow replies, “They can only demand so much milk, dude.”


The Misfit Toys Struggled to Dodge Unsolicited Calls from SantaCare’s Complex Care Manager…   ID: A spotted toy elephant, a square-wheeled toy train, and a winged toy lion are lined up. The lion exclaims “We told you we don’t want to talk to your f*cking social worker! We see you trying to cut costs!”

9.   The Misfit Toys Struggled to Dodge Unsolicited Calls from SantaCare’s Complex Care Manager…


ID: A spotted toy elephant, a square-wheeled toy train, and a winged toy lion are lined up. The lion exclaims “We told you we don’t want to talk to your f*cking social worker! We see you trying to cut costs!”


Every Year, the Misfit Toys Looked Forward to Summer Camp with Other Holiday Creatures Who Just “Get It…”   ID: The spotted elephant from the Island of Misfit Toys stands beside a Countdown to Crip Camp sign marked: “175 days.” His speech bubble says, “I can’t wait to see the one-eared chocolate bunny and the ghost with a startle reflex…

10.   Every Year, the Misfit Toys Looked Forward to Summer Camp with Other Holiday Creatures Who Just “Get It…”


ID: The spotted elephant from the Island of Misfit Toys stands beside a Countdown to Crip Camp sign marked: “175 days.” His speech bubble says, “I can’t wait to see the one-eared chocolate bunny and the ghost with a startle reflex…

The Disabled Snow Couple Faced a Benefit Cut for Cohabitating in the Same Snowglobe…   ID: A snowglobe contains two snow people, a man with crutches and a lady with a wheelchair. The man says, “This is bullshit. We both came from the store fused to this snowglobe!”

11.   The Disabled Snow Couple Faced a Benefit Cut for Cohabitating in the Same Snowglobe…


ID: A snowglobe contains two snow people, a man with crutches and a lady with a wheelchair. The man says, “This is bullshit. We both came from the store fused to this snowglobe!”


When the Care Bears Were Chosen to Host the North Pole Toy Christmas Party, the Disregard for Accessibility Was Noted by Their Misfit Disabled Cousins, the Chair Bears   ID: Two Care Bears in power wheelchairs and an able-bodied Care Bear stand by a “North Pole” sign. One of the power wheelies says, “What do you mean there’s just one step? Christ, you only have to accommodate us once a year!” The able-bodied one replies, “We have 4 Ken dolls who can carry you up the step!” and “Oh yeah; there’s gravel too…”

12.    When the Care Bears Were Chosen to Host the North Pole Toy Christmas Party, the Disregard for Accessibility Was Noted by Their Misfit Disabled Cousins, the Chair Bears


ID: Two Care Bears in power wheelchairs and an able-bodied Care Bear stand by a “North Pole” sign. One of the power wheelies says, “What do you mean there’s just one step? Christ, you only have to accommodate us once a year!” The able-bodied one replies, “We have 4 Ken dolls who can carry you up the step!” and “Oh yeah; there’s gravel too…”